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Blog aka KWC Wisdom: Blog2

How does a Celebrant Renew her vows?

So how does a Celebrant renew her vows? I mean come on, there's some huge pressure here right? I'm a celebrant FFS, it’s 15-years, it has to be the very best ceremony I've ever created right?

NUP!!!! Read on to find out why not, what we actually did, how Hubby actually feels and how we kept it under $1000!

The plan…

  • Sunrise at Jason Beach, just like our 10-year vow renewal and hopefully not hung over like last time. We were both dreaming of whales as our witnesses again!

  • BBQ brekky to celebrate, followed by a day nap and then sunset drinks.

  • White dress, boardies and suit jacket.

  • Hair and makeup.

  • Professional photographer to capture the moment.

  • A written ceremony script read by a dear friend.

  • Budget $2,500

  • But it's got to be better than our 10 year vow renewal right? Our 10 years was also spent on Moreton Island, with a hangover, a half-assed attempt at "getting pretty", 1 actual photo (cue no makeup, messy hair and seeing the thumping heads in the pic) - I actually bought a pretty dress.

What we actually did…

  • Sunset on the beach at Reeders.

  • Script - nup! We just walked down, said hello to each other and shared our vows, hugged and went fishing.

  • Vows in hand - yes we wrote them on the way! We've only been planning since last year.

  • Followed by drinks and fishing and an early night.

  • Spent $985

How much we actually spent…

  • Barge to Moreton $280 return (car and 2 passengers)

  • Accommodation $670 for 2 nights ( average $300-$600/night)

  • Food and drinks $0 bought from home

  • Kerri dress $35 - thank you Target Clearance

  • Paul outfit $0 - from the cupboard

  • Kerri hair and makeup - $0

  • Paul hair and makeup - $0

  • Shoes - NIL

  • Flowers - NIL

  • Rings/Gifts - NIL (disclaimer though, Pauly did buy me a new plain wedding band for my 40th this year that I wear on my other hand and swap out for fire training)

  • Photography - $0 - we set up the mobile phone to record the ceremony through the car windscreen (insert can't hear a thing, but you can see our body language and hear the ocean), we then set the phone up with a 10-second timer through the car windscreen and got 2 photos :)

Hubby's Thoughts… I interviewed him to get you the best answers.

Did you want to do a vow renewal?

Yeah, because it was important to you and that's what you wanted to do!

What did the vow renewal mean to you?

A confirmation that our love is still there and strong.

How did you feel about your vows?

I'm disappointed that I didn't finish them, but they were from the heart, and something that I might not get to say every day. I should have booked your vow writing session though haha!

Is there anything about our vow renewal that you would have done differently?

Finish my vows :) And change where we did it, so I’m more “into it”. We probably shouldn't go somewhere that I want to go fishing.

Were you happy with your outfit?

Yeah, you chose it, packed it and I just had to put it on. I was comfortable!

How would you have felt if there was a professional photographer or videographer there?

The day was about you and me! I don't feel it's a requirement. It's not about showing other people that private moment, it's just us. I'm not someone to go and look back at photos. (We scanned the room for wedding photos - we have a small frame with 3 photos in the loungeroom and a clock with 5 small photos hidden in another room).

So if you only did the vow renewal for me, would you do something different to celebrate your marriage or a milestone in your marriage?

I think it's important to celebrate, especially the milestones and I think we should go somewhere for a holiday, somewhere with a nice restaurant.

So are you saying you are going to plan our 20 years?


Why do you think couples would want to plan a vow renewal with guests (not just them, like we did)?

Some people like to tell the world, hey I'm still in love with my husband or wife, to declare their love in front of everyone, like getting married without getting married but to celebrate their commitment.

If I wasn't a marriage celebrant, do you think we would still do a vow renewal?

Yes, but it's personal. Between us. None of this blog stuff and socials!

Do you have any advice for other couples that are planning their vow renewal?

Book Kerri! Isn't he a darling bahahahaha

Wifey's Thoughts… I’m going to follow Pauly’s questions…

Did you want to do a vow renewal?

Absolutely! 15 years is a big deal. Especially for someone that was NEVER getting married!!! Pauly and I celebrate our love every day. We don’t need a specific day to do this, but it’s always nice to reminisce “this time so many years ago we were” and we do this every year. But I feel that the milestones are worth celebrating with a vow renewal. It’s a chance for us to make a night away and celebrate us guilt-free and hopefully have some nice words to say ;)

Last year, I had this huge elaborate plan in my head to celebrate 15 years married to my hunkaspunk, but as we all know life happens and all I had booked was a weekend getaway to Moreton, because our actual 15 years fell on a Tuesday this year #worksucks!

What did the vow renewal mean to you?

More than anything. For our 10 years, Pauly wrote 3 words in a book for his vows. So I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting many more. But this year he pulled at the heartstrings with exactly 50 words. 50 words that hit me in all the feels.

How did you feel about your vows?

Rushed. I finished writing them before we got in the car on the way. My worst nightmare as a celebrant “don’t leave them til the last minute”. But I was happy with them. There wasn’t a lot to say that Pauly doesn’t know already, but, in that moment, we declared forever again!

Is there anything about our vow renewal that you would have done differently?

Not have it at Pauly’s fishing spot apparently :P (watch the video all the way to the end and you’ll hear why haha).

I thought I regretted not bringing a photographer, but the more I think about it - no! We got 1 extra photo on our 10-year vow renewal and we have a video… our vow renewal is and always will be for US. It celebrates our love and commitment to each other and our commitment to our future together. Do we need a day to do this? No. We do this every day. In our daily good morning texts, our helping each other out around the house, our annoying habits and our genuine fun and friendship. The only reason I wanted photos was for "social media" and "this blog post". Because I'm a celebrant and would love to share behind the scenes.

Were you happy with your outfit?

Yes!!!! Target Clearance rack score - $35.00!!! I felt pretty and comfortable and confident and when I swayed side to side it swooshed :)

How would you have felt if there was a professional photographer or videographer there?

The memory is captured in my heart, 2 fuzzy photos and a quick video where you can’t hear us, but it would be nice to have some beautiful photos that captured the heart of the moment and the sneaky grins and emotions.

It looks like I’m planning our 20 years!

Where should we go?

Why do you think couples would want to plan a vow renewal with guests (not just them, like we did)?

There are a number of reasons why couples might want to plan a vow renewal ceremony with guests. For some, it may be a way to celebrate a significant anniversary. For others, it may be a way to recommit to one another after going through a difficult period. And for others, it may be a way to include family and friends in a very special moment, especially if they weren’t with them on their wedding day. You can check that blog post out here.

If I wasn't a marriage celebrant, would we still do a vow renewal?


Do you have any advice for other couples that are planning their vow renewal?

You do you! It doesn’t have to be a big glamorous affair. It can be short and sweet and intimate. It can be big and real and surrounded by family and friends. Just be true to yourself.

What's our 20th vow renewal plans…

20 years falls on a … better look that up and block it out!!!

But, I will be making Pauly contribute to the plans, and I know it has to have a nice restaurant… I’m thinking a week away. Somewhere we can go and spoil ourselves and not have to cook or clean. But it will have to have a good fishing spot and beautiful sunrises and sunsets. So if you know of the ideal place, drop your recommendations in the comments for us!

So there you have it! This is how Kerri Watkins Celebrant (and hubby) renews her vows! What are your big plans for your vow renewal? Let me know below.

Here's a sneak peek behind the scenes - hubby cracks me up at the end!!!

"A confirmation that our love is still there and strong"

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